Cox Media Group
KryptoniteConference Schedule
Track one or two? Eeenie, meenie, miney, moe…
Deployment, Daemons and Datacenters
At, we spend all day finely tweaking and polishing our deployment systems, and this talk will go through some of the parts of our archtecture, show you some of our code, and also advise you on deploying Django sites on your own servers.
Topics covered include our use of ZeroMQ for redundant communication, the difficulties of running services with transatlantic latency, our extensive use of Eventlet for asynchronous, concurrent I/O, how we've used (and modified) pip and virtualenv, and how we've leveraged class-based views to make our API part of our normal URL structure.
In addition, there will also be some advice on how to run sites on your own servers, including what programs to use, how to lay things out, and sensible backup strategies.